From Gregorian “laudes” to papal coronation hymns, this playlist features some of the choral treasures of Roman Catholicism.
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YouTube user Petrus Josephus —who might have adopted the name of the Jesuit scholar Petrus Josephus Zoetmulder, a renowned linguist— often puts together massive collections of sacred music, mostly medieval, including choral works belonging to both Western Christianity and the Eastern tradition.
With around twenty-seven thousand subscribers, one of Petrus Josephus’ most popular playlists includes a series of exceptionally well curated traditional Roman Catholic Latin Mass hymns, from Franciscan medieval laudes to the Gregorian Dies Irae and the Gloria in Excelsis Deo from the traditional papal coronation mass. Here, we wanted to share not only the link to the whole playlist, but also a beautiful rendition of the Benedicamus Domino, for two voices, from the Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin, which Petrus Josephus shared from the YouTube channel Callixtus.