Holy Father expresses his trust in God and admiration for health care workers. Urges solidarity.
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Pope Francis is confronting the pandemic with faith, though he has had moments in his life that have caused doubts or even crises of faith.
“I have had my own crises of faith, and with the grace of God, I’ve resolved them. But no one is exempt from the universal path of humanity … And this is good for everyone,” Pope Francis said to the Spanish journalist Jordi Évole, in speaking of the pandemic.
In the interview, made by video chat, Évole asked the Holy Father if in situations such as this one, he has had crises of faith. The pope said that he has had them, though he is not in this moment.
In fact, with his Monday morning homily, the pope urged the faithful to pray: “With faith that the Lord can intervene, with perseverance and with courage.”
Évole spoke with the Holy Father on Sunday, for a special program on the coronavirus. The Holy Father expressed his trust in God, and also in humanity, conveying his admiration for the doctors and health care professionals.
For his own part, he said he is working as normal, rising early (at 4:30 am) to celebrate Mass and preach the homily. He is also having meetings, but with very small groups, so as to maintain safe distances. His trip to Malta planned for the end of May, however, has been postponed.
The Holy Father spoke of his compassion for the pain that so many families are living, saying that the “language of gestures” is important, even as words are necessary as well.
He also spoke of his hope for what we can learn from the coronavirus, saying the pandemic can teach people to “re-evaluate their lives,” for example in coming to re-discover and value family relationships.
The pope also mentioned the great difficulties facing the poor and homeless, as well as women who suffer domestic violence. He also noted the economic problems that have arisen.
“Each person in each situation has to look for concrete solutions,” he said, “but what’s certain is that ‘every man for himself’ is not the solution.”
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Pope: 3 conditions for truly praying; in these days, “Imagine if we were to pray like this”