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Begin your day with this prayer of thanksgiving

Philip Kosloski - published on 07/01/20

The best way to start a day is to thank God for the gift of life.

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Getting out of bed isn’t always easy, but its important to start your day in a spirit of thanksgiving, rather than a depressed approach. Those first moments of the day will dictate how we approach what will occur throughout our day and set the tone for what is to come.

Here is a short prayer of thanksgiving adapted from the Family Prayer Book that can help us begin our day on the right foot.

I praise and adore you, O blessed Trinity, for having permitted me to pass the night in safety. Thank you for the gift of a new day. O my blessed guardian angel, join me in praising our good God for having preserved me from all danger this night.

O, Holy Spirit give me your grace that I may pass through this day in such a manner as to prepare myself to seek your holy will. Give me peace, patience, and charity; and keep me from doing or from saying anything which I could not continue to feel or to do if I were amongst the blessed saints in heaven. Amen. 

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