While there have been a variety of African saints who were part of the former Roman Empire and who died in the first few centuries of Christianity, centuries passed before any other saints were proclaimed in the region.
That all changed with the heroic example of St. Charles Lwanga and his companions. St. Charles Lwanga was a convert to the Catholic Church in the late 19th century, inspired by the example and teaching of Catholic missionaries in Africa.
King Mwanga at the time questioned Lwanga and many other pages, asking them if they would renounce their Christian faith.
They all refused and for that disobedience, King Mwanga sent Lwanga and his companions to be burned to death at Namugongo on June 3, 1886.
A light in Africa
When visiting Africa in 1993, St. John Paul II pointed to the Uganda Martyrs as a beacon of light for the entire continent:
Truly the Uganda Martyrs became light in the Lord! Their sacrifice hastened the rebirth of the Church in Africa. In our own days, all Africa is being called to the light of Christ! Africa is being called again to discover her true identity in the light of faith in the Son of God. All that is truly African, all that is true and good and noble in Africa’s traditions and cultures, is meant to find its fulfilment in Christ.
The Uganda Martyrs show this clearly: they were the truest of Africans, worthy heirs of the virtues of their ancestors. In embracing Jesus Christ, they opened the door of faith to their own people (Cf. Acts. 14:27), so that the glory of the Lord could shine on Uganda, on Africa.
St. John Paul II then mentioned how Africa, specifically Uganda, is still in need of this light to shine on the many wars and the violence that plagues the people:
How much the people of Uganda need the light of the Gospel in order to dispel the darkness still left by long years of civil unrest, violence and fear. Today, Uganda stands at the crossroads: her people need the salt of God’s word to bring out the virtues of honesty, goodness, justice, concern for the dignity of others, which alone can guarantee the rebuilding of their country on a firm foundation. Uganda needs to hear the word of God! How many of your brothers and sisters have still not met Christ!
May St. Charles Lwanga and his companions continue to be a beacon of light to all of Africa.