O my God, ocean of holy love and sweetness, come and give yourself to my soul. Grant that with a perfect heart, full desire, and burning affection, I may unceasingly desire after you, and lovingly rest in you. May I prefer you to every creature, for you renounce every transitory delight, O my true, my highest joy!
Feed me, Lord, a poor, famished beggar, with continual draughts of your love; refresh me with the wished-for presence of your grace. This I seek, this I long for, that a vehement love may penetrate me through and through, and fill me.
Grant, O most loving Redeemer, that I may be wholly inflamed with the love of you, that I may delight only in you. O overflowing abyss of divinity! Draw me to you, and immerse me in yourself; so seize and take to yourself all the affection of my heart. Amen.

Carl Bloch | Public Domain
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