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Chances are you know someone struggling with infertility: Almost one in six couples don’t get pregnant after a year of trying.
If someone you love is dealing with infertility, it’s hard to know how to help. But there are ways to show your support in these situations. Try these 5 ideas to let them know you're thinking of them.
The simplest actions are often the best: Be a sympathetic and caring listener. You might seek to learn and educate yourself about infertility, not so you can give advice, but so as to better understand what your loved one is going through.

2Ask how you can help
If ways to help aren’t coming to mind, ask if there’s anything they need. There might be a way to help you haven’t thought of! Reassure them that you want to help and it’s not an imposition. And of course, follow through on their request.
3Remember important events
Whether there are medical appointments scheduled, surgeries planned, meetings to explore other paths like adoption, or any other big events, take time to check in with a supportive text message or phone call.
4Know what not to say
Even when you have the best of intentions, it’s all too easy to accidentally wound someone with an unthinking comment. A good rule of thumb is not to offer advice or suggestions at all, unless they have specifically asked for it. Don’t minimize their pain, either, with statements intended to make it seem “not that bad.”
5Have fun together
It’s so nice to have a distraction when going through a hard time! Plan fun activities or outings with your loved one to get their mind off the heavy stuff. Also, a small gift or card can go a long way.